Monday, December 19, 2011

Fashion Trends Fashion Designer in the Making

Dominique Claassen.
Ambitious Blond.
Excited and Energetic.

Fashion Designer in the making ?
... You may not have heard of her before, but You better keep an eye on her.

Locally studying at the Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Design, Dominique has become quite an aspired fashion designer :)
Her designs are plain, yet striking. Manipulating material in different ways, creating effects, pleats, lines and gathers, she differentiates her designs compared to the usual bores. ( She says she loves making swimwear, making it convenient for this Summer! )

She is inspired by natural and monumental objects for her designing abilities.
"I find a lot of inspiration out of nature, I know it is corny but there are really endless possibilities of inspiration! I also like using inspiration from architecture and sculptures like the �spomenik yugoslavia monuments� they are beautiful! My inspiration is just basically everything around me in my daily life." ? 
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Her Grandmother is also a big inspiration and inspired her to do what she does today.

Tips? She stands by her motto "Why fit in when you were born to stand out?", truly a motto I think we should all live by. Her Key fashion tip, is to find your OWN personal style, and to then bring in some key trends. Yet, never lose your own individual style.

"I can�t really tell you what is going to be the new trend for tomorrow because by the time you read it, it will already be out of fashion. We all know fashion is constantly changing! But I will recommend WGSN and those two websites are always up to date with the latest fashion! "

I LOVE her manner of designing, and she truly is unique to me.
The bikini that she made ( in the picture) is a MUST. It's fun, quirky and just plain cute!

This Denim dress was in the Top 10 at Elizabeth Galloway, and was featured at the SAFW ? heart IT!

Keep an eye on Miss Dominique Claassen ?

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