Thursday, December 15, 2011

Fashion Trends CropTops and RippedShorts

Crop tops and Ripped shorts.

Be BOLD this summer. Be comfortable this summer. Run around, feel free, and what better way than in shorts and a loose fitted top? I'm guessing running around on the beach in a dress and wedges isn't going to fit it... This summer: go for comfort.

But who said comfort has to be unfashionable?

Wear crop tops this summer. It might be a little out of your comfort zone, but that may just be the push you need. Crop tops and ripped shorts is a MUST this summer. It's sexy, cute, and perfect to catch those wandering eyes from the OTHER specie ;)

Okaaaay.. So you might be thinking yeah, I'm telling you all these things, but where, oh where do you find them?
Jay Jays in particular always has a wide range of crop tops. YDE even received a new variety of crop tops. I'm talking LACE back Crop Tops. 

Go out this summer, and scour all the local boutiques where you've never been to before. You'd be bound to find something you like, if not love!

To all living in Stellenbosch : I've found the cutest pair of shredded shorts at a flee market under Papegaai Berg (Every Saturday!). One of the clothing stands sells them (I'm guessing it's imported since the price tags says dollars...) and I must say, it's quite pretty! The ones Ke$ha or Taylor Momsen wear? Yeah. Those kinds :)

Get out this Summer :)

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