Thursday, December 15, 2011

Fashion Trends BedHead : a GO or a "EN OH"?

The BedHead.
Sexy. Fun. Cute and Mysterious.
This may just be, a definite trend :)
Let it be tied up, down, in a plait or loose. As long as it�s messy, you�ve got a bedhead on your hands (Or in this case, on your head! ) .
This specific hairstyle is actually quite famous on the runway this season. May it be Christian Dior, Michael Kors or Lacoste, the rising starry headed fashion trend, seems to be another hit.
These hairstyles has the trait of what I�d like to call, a chameleon. (yes chameleon � fits in everywhere!) It�s fitted for every event, formal as well as casual. For any occasion, this hairstyle, is given a thumbs up.

What makes this easy and fun hairstyle, so sexy?
is it the careless waves, drowned by a new one? Or the scuffed up hair pieces, falling from each side?

Either way, watch this trend.

This Summer is about being BOLD.
Push your boundaries and do something NEW.
And what better way, than to start at the top? Change your hairstyles up this season.

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