Monday, December 19, 2011

Fashion Trends Fashion Designer in the Making

Dominique Claassen.
Ambitious Blond.
Excited and Energetic.

Fashion Designer in the making ?
... You may not have heard of her before, but You better keep an eye on her.

Locally studying at the Elizabeth Galloway Academy of Fashion Design, Dominique has become quite an aspired fashion designer :)
Her designs are plain, yet striking. Manipulating material in different ways, creating effects, pleats, lines and gathers, she differentiates her designs compared to the usual bores. ( She says she loves making swimwear, making it convenient for this Summer! )

She is inspired by natural and monumental objects for her designing abilities.
"I find a lot of inspiration out of nature, I know it is corny but there are really endless possibilities of inspiration! I also like using inspiration from architecture and sculptures like the �spomenik yugoslavia monuments� they are beautiful! My inspiration is just basically everything around me in my daily life." ? 
source :
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Her Grandmother is also a big inspiration and inspired her to do what she does today.

Tips? She stands by her motto "Why fit in when you were born to stand out?", truly a motto I think we should all live by. Her Key fashion tip, is to find your OWN personal style, and to then bring in some key trends. Yet, never lose your own individual style.

"I can�t really tell you what is going to be the new trend for tomorrow because by the time you read it, it will already be out of fashion. We all know fashion is constantly changing! But I will recommend WGSN and those two websites are always up to date with the latest fashion! "

I LOVE her manner of designing, and she truly is unique to me.
The bikini that she made ( in the picture) is a MUST. It's fun, quirky and just plain cute!

This Denim dress was in the Top 10 at Elizabeth Galloway, and was featured at the SAFW ? heart IT!

Keep an eye on Miss Dominique Claassen ?

Fashion Trends Fashion adore, or Gag galore?

The SuperSized look

The supersize look � anything from a blazer, to an old cardigan or a plain coat.
If it's over sized, you instantly gain an edginess to your look. I don't know why, really I don't. But it's definitely trending.
It's hot on the runway, hot on the trend setters and piping hot on the street styles.
It's like a big bodyguard, making wanderers more curious about your fashionable style underneath.
A mix of grunge and edge, and a dash of personal style <3
Taylor Momsen is known for her different style in the fashion world. She is a grunge icon and keeps on trending.
If it's over sized, you instantly gain an edginess to your look. I don't know why, really I don't. But it's definitely trending.
It's hot on the runway, hot on the trend setters and piping hot on the street styles.
It's like a big bodyguard, making wanderers more curious about your fashionable style underneath. 
A mix of grunge and edge, and a dash of personal style <3
Taylor Momsen is known for her different style in the fashion world. She is a grunge icon and keeps on trending. 
I know for most of us it�s blistering summer, but keep this in mind for the odd rainy day� and get stocked up on jumbo cardi�s before winter hits

You can decide for yourself : Oversized jacket.
A fashion adore, or a gag galore?

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

Fashion Trends Instructions

Go to this link :
Read through the articles/Blogs

Fashion Trends BedHead : a GO or a "EN OH"?

The BedHead.
Sexy. Fun. Cute and Mysterious.
This may just be, a definite trend :)
Let it be tied up, down, in a plait or loose. As long as it�s messy, you�ve got a bedhead on your hands (Or in this case, on your head! ) .
This specific hairstyle is actually quite famous on the runway this season. May it be Christian Dior, Michael Kors or Lacoste, the rising starry headed fashion trend, seems to be another hit.
These hairstyles has the trait of what I�d like to call, a chameleon. (yes chameleon � fits in everywhere!) It�s fitted for every event, formal as well as casual. For any occasion, this hairstyle, is given a thumbs up.

What makes this easy and fun hairstyle, so sexy?
is it the careless waves, drowned by a new one? Or the scuffed up hair pieces, falling from each side?

Either way, watch this trend.

This Summer is about being BOLD.
Push your boundaries and do something NEW.
And what better way, than to start at the top? Change your hairstyles up this season.

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Fashion Trends Longify your Fashion Freak

A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous.
- Coco Chanel

And what better way of feeling classy and elegant, than in a long dress? ?

I don't know if it's the fabric coming down to your feet or the feeling of it, but any long dress makes a person feel an immediate matureness with a hint of glamor. 
The dress in the picture may be plain and simple, but it enhances the femininity of the model. It's like taking a bunch of ordinary ingredients and creating something those ingredients alone couldn't accomplish. (For example : Flour, milk, sugar, eggs, etc. alone are quite ordinary. Together, it can create cake, pastries and what not. Yes, I just compared fashion to food. )

I seek out to all who's reading : wearing a long dress WILL make a statement.
May it be Boho, ethereal or sleek. You have to wear a long dress once in your life! (NO, not only at your wedding or Matric ball! ) PLEASE do this to yourself and go buy a dress longer than your calves - so basically down to your feet - and wear it with the utmost of pride.
Some advice :
When choosing a long dress, go for neutral or pastel colors. Even stripes or some print can be acceptable. But don't go crazy with color. Imagine choosing a BRIGHT green dress, your whole body will only look like a BRIGHT green mess. 
And who wants to hide their body away?
EMBRACE yourself :)

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Fashion Trends CropTops and RippedShorts

Crop tops and Ripped shorts.

Be BOLD this summer. Be comfortable this summer. Run around, feel free, and what better way than in shorts and a loose fitted top? I'm guessing running around on the beach in a dress and wedges isn't going to fit it... This summer: go for comfort.

But who said comfort has to be unfashionable?

Wear crop tops this summer. It might be a little out of your comfort zone, but that may just be the push you need. Crop tops and ripped shorts is a MUST this summer. It's sexy, cute, and perfect to catch those wandering eyes from the OTHER specie ;)

Okaaaay.. So you might be thinking yeah, I'm telling you all these things, but where, oh where do you find them?
Jay Jays in particular always has a wide range of crop tops. YDE even received a new variety of crop tops. I'm talking LACE back Crop Tops. 

Go out this summer, and scour all the local boutiques where you've never been to before. You'd be bound to find something you like, if not love!

To all living in Stellenbosch : I've found the cutest pair of shredded shorts at a flee market under Papegaai Berg (Every Saturday!). One of the clothing stands sells them (I'm guessing it's imported since the price tags says dollars...) and I must say, it's quite pretty! The ones Ke$ha or Taylor Momsen wear? Yeah. Those kinds :)

Get out this Summer :)

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Monday, December 5, 2011

Fashion Trends Feather Earings. Fashion Forward, Or Misguided?

Some say it's pretty. Some say it's ugly.
I say it brings out your inner wild.
Feather Earrings ?
Feather earrings gained some recent critique for its questionable fashion forward look. Fashionable? or just plain weird?
Once again, wearing this accessory can be trashy, or beautiful, It's only a matter of styling. I say GO FOR IT! Whether its long and chic, or short and colorful, I give it a THUMBS UP.
Plus, if you wear long brown or black, even white, feather earrings, it can even look like it's part of your hair :) Like I said, it brings out the inner wild. And it gives you that extra edginess. 
Example : The sweet traits of Lucy Hale in Pretty Little Liars, contrasts with the "roughness" given by the fashionable feather earrings.
Wear it long, wear it short, be bold, push boundaries. 

It pushes your confidence (believe me, when you are aware of feathers sticking out of your ears, you will most definitely be aware of it!) and gives you the ego boost you need. Go big :)
This Summer is about .. wearing what YOU want, not worrying of what others think!

Have a great Summer x

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Fashion Trends To vintage... Or not to Vintage?


Do you see yourself as someone who lives in the wrong era? Maybe, you see yourself as a long lost Icon, from the fifties or sixties?

This dress might just be for you :)
This is a perfect example of what "old-meets-new", looks like.
This is a keeper. From the way it fits to the waist, to the gorgeous back, this dress, is one to look out for.
What makes this dress so fun and comfortable, is the movement from the material and the cut from the dress.
Look at Pixi Lott for example : Her fun attitude emphasizes the beauty and carefree feature, that this dress wears. 

Pair it with any accessory (Just don't drown it!) and you'd be ready to "
rock around the clock" ?

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