Friday, November 23, 2012

Fashion Trends size up on shorts

Ombre Shorts.

This trend has been seen on the heads' of the fashion industry's biggest stars, stylists, trendsetters, etc.

Even a few of my friends decided to go ombre with their hair. 

Two toned, ombre, dip dyed, whatever you would like to call it...
Now seen on shorts. 

It's new, it's fab and it's ready to wear for SA's dreadfully amazing summer vacation.  

Okay, so just as the dip dye in hair, this garment adapted to this multi shaded trend, and it is just as versatile and DIY-able. If you don't like what you see in shops Do It Yourself! Grab a pair of your old worn out shorts, and dye away in the colour of your choice. Add a few rips and snags, and presto! you've got a pretty fun pair of pants in your possession. BUT if you do not have the time, and your planning on a trip to the shops, you might as well visit places like Cotton On, Mr Price, The Lot, Jay Jays, and wherever you can spot these fancy shorts. 

It's definitely unique in its own way and it's not like all the other shorts, obviously. So if you�re feeling the dip dye-ombre-two toned trend, why not take on these pants for size. Break away from the one toned jean shorties, and add a little gradient to you outfit. (Not that jean shorts or ugly. no. never.)

Try it. It deserves a thumbs up! 


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