Tribal print shorts, dip dyed shorts, shorts with studs, shorts with crosses, flag shorts� This summer is bound to be a colourful one.
Tribal print shorts are part of the new Aztec, geometric print that�s been seen a lot lately. Consisting of vibrant and bright colours, it warms an outfit and gives an outfit a lively atmosphere. It�s super fun, and pretty cool. Studded shorts and shorts with crosses contribute to the edgy rocker look we sometimes come across. Owning a pair of these would not be a disappointment, plus it�s a real showstopper. Dip Dyed shorts, much like my previous post about dip dyeing your hair, are just as trendy right now. It's almost like the best of both worlds, in a way.
What�s really awesome about these shorts, is that you can take old shorts and redo them in one of these styles :D But that�s obvious.. If you�re not in the mood to reinvent an old pair of shorts, I know of a little store that�s gracing us with its presence by the 1st of November. A store that represents the style of our youth and a store that never EVER disappoints.
THE LOT is coming to Stellenbosch! YES!!! On the 1stof November, they�re opening their doors to all of Stellenbosch. Situated in the same street as Courage and Candy, Eva Boutique and Wakaberry, THE LOT, or in other words, my dream closet, decided to be awesome by joining our little community.
At THE LOT you will find many different garments that would blow your mind, including a variety of different shorts as well as flag related shorts and leather ones. Yeah, it�s that cool. So mark your calendar, put a reminder on your cell phone, and remember: THE LOT opens the 1st of November, be there!
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