Saturday, October 27, 2012

Fashion Trends Something Sunnie could work

�Teashades�: either you love it, or you still haven't heard of it, because there's nothing about this accessory that's not to love.

I've seen these sunglasses everywhere. On the internet, on my friends, in magazines, everywhere! I went into a shop that sells these beauties, and I asked the lady what these were called? Well, apparently it�s called John Lennons. How cool would it be if sunglasses were named after you? Now that�s pretty insane. I�d love calling these sunglasses Lennons, yet he wasn�t the only icon to make these sunglasses famous. I�m talking about Ozzy Osbourne, Mick Jagger, Liam Gallagher, etc.

These round shaped beauties are extremely different from the usual big eyed sunglasses we all may own. And of course, it comes in different shapes, sizes, frames and colours. Even though it can differ, the style still comes through in each pair. It�s incredibly edgy (I think edgy is my favourite adjective) and it stands out from the rest of the sunglass family.

Since it�s a new season, with summer short at its feet, change can be good. In South Africa, summer means indulging in ice cream, crashing into the waves, being with a bunch of friends, and of course, tanning. Whilst doing these activities, rocking a pair of new sunnies may just be the cherry on top.

I think it�s quite obvious to realise what I�m trying to say: GET YOURSELF A PAIR.

You will love it for sure <3


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