Monday, September 24, 2012

Fashion Trends Spring Fever

Lily�s Closet, located in Eikestad Mall, never seem to disappoint.

With the beginning of Spring comes the beginning of a whirlwind of sunny to rainy days that change within a flash. This causes confusion in what to wear. Luckily for Stellenbosch locals, a shop providing the latest trends is only a few steps away.

Lily�s Closet stocked up on a variety of different skirts, long and lengthy skirts in particular. Available in several colours, these skirts are incredibly comfortable and fitted. In the look I chose, I paired a black skirt with a white lace top, a skinny light brown leather belt, a golden necklace and butternut colour boots, each garment available at Lily�s Closet. This look is a description of an indie, chic and feminine style. It�s a vibrant and versatile combination. It�s edgy enough to be worn at the beach as well as an everyday outfit.

I've posted about the uniqueness of this store�s shoes, twice by now, and I might as well say it yet again. Lily�s Closet stock up on a range of different leather shoes, for men as well as women. What makes them different is that the shoes are handmade by a man who comes from the Congo. But that�s not it. In the shop there�s a row of each shoe design as a sample. You can choose a shoe you like, measure your feet in the shop, and all your details and things will be sent to the man, who will then make the shoes. Plus you can change the designs leather colour as you like! You�d be the only one to have a pair. So, why not?

The outfit is lovely, unique and just plain noticeable. 

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