Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Fashion Trends arrivederci!

The green playsuit.

The first time I saw this, I thought it was a dress because of the light material! But as it turned out, it was actually a playsuit, which has been very popular the past year. It's fitted, but not in a trampy kind of way. It sits perfectly around the waist, and it falls gently on the hips. It's soft, sweet and dazzling in whole!

This would be perfect for a Sunday lunch, picnic in the park or even a date! It's a suited for any casual event, pairing it with footwear from sandals to wedges. 
The reason I actually chose this playsuit, and on Ashley in particular, is that she wore a similar colour dress, that almost has the same cut (except it's a dress of course...) in our magnificent school play, Bernarda Alba. She was SO good in it; the playsuit brings back the faint memory of her wonderful acting.

This is the last collection of photos of Ashley and Courage and Candy, but believe me, you haven't seen the last of her <3

So, after long minutes of WAITING for the pictures to load, here are my favourites.

 I'm going on vacation for 10 days, in Italyyy :D I'll try to catch some of the local's fashion in a four sentence dialogue that I learnt from my brother's girlfriend. HAPPY HOLIDAYS xx

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Fashion Trends Dress it up!

So, do you have any upcoming dances, functions or parties?
Are you perhaps looking for a new dress for future occasions?
Are you willing to pay for quality, style and class, all wrapped up in one dress?

Eva Boutique is the place for you <3

Eva Boutique, conveniently across Courage and Candy, has been kind enough to lend me a few dresses for yet another shoot, with infamous, soon-to-be model, Xanthe Viljoen. We couldn't have asked for worse weather than the weather we shot in. The entire week was sunny, and on the day we shot, it started to rain. I asked Xanthe, because well, she has a natural photogenic beauty, along with Samantha Hall, a photographer with mad skills. We shot through incredibly cold rain and wind, it became exhausting.

The first dress is a plain blue dress with an amazing decorated bead back. 

Less is more? ..Back to basics? 
This little dress basically states the above phrases. (Or clauses, I do not want to get in trouble with our lovely English teacher...) Its simplicity is what makes it so unique. Sometimes, a dress with too much frills and threads and whatnot, tend to have the opposite effect than it's supposed to. You can make a statement with plain and simple as well. Plus, with its gorgeous back, it gains a bit of a chaotic emphasis towards the plain front. 

With this sort of dress, you can go wild with accessories! Choose a colour palette, like a variety of gold that can complement the deep blue colour of the dress, or a touch of silver that's repeated in the beading. Pair it with some simple heels, and voila! You've got a look :)

Oh and since it's Winter, just add a sick jacket that matches the heels, or even some stockings, and you've turned it into a Winter outfit!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Fashion Trends Elizabeth Galloway Fashion Show

The Elizabeth Galloway 3rd years' Fashion Show.

A night of fashion, taste and style.
A night of something new, fresh and bold.
A night of showcasing some of South Africa's greatest upcoming talents.

The room was filled with guests from all over, blasting music, a white runway, and talented designers. The third years' Fashion Show at the Protea Hotel, Techno Park, in Stellenbosch occurred on the 20th June. The evening went smoothly, with carefully chosen music that matched each student's collection. The students made three outfits that followed a specific theme that they had chosen themselves. Some of the finest jackets, pants, dresses, shirts, etc. had walked that runway that evening. It was spectacular to watch.

My trusty camera came handy, and I shot as many photos from the second row, as I could. I think the woman in front of me became irritated, I mean I would too, if there was a camera gawking at the side of my head!

Megan Viljoen Classic with an urban edge

Mina Naude Scents of glamour

Jana Annandale Light, like the flutter of wings

Esmeralda Klopper Make your own happiness

Charna Gentle All we are is dust in the wind

Tamryn Mcfadden

Kearin Burrows A beautiful life

Amy Pyne-James The lights dance in the sky

Lize Kriel Fashion fades, leather is eternal

Marisa du Toit A flow with polka dots & turbans

Raphaela Adler Nomadic Street Wear Inspired by Nature

Thilana Blignaut Daisy filled adventures,    Claudi van Jaarsveld Boy OH Boy!
with young love, picnics, music and 
vintage denim

Mihke Henn A French scene in the 80's

Hanlie Jonker

Mienkie le Roux Wonderland 

 Tiaan Gildenhuys I'm gonna be a star! You know why? Because, I have nothing left to lose!

Jess Louw ''I wish I was beautiful.' 'You're the most beautiful creature I've met.''

Teresa Agnello  Little Navajo

 Malie McGregor

 Dominique Claassen Enduring Construct