Thursday, May 17, 2012

Fashion Trends Lost in a Hopeless Place

Hopefully you, the reader, forgive me, for I have sinned. I have waited far too long since my previous post! I apologize. 
Anyhow. For this photography session, we decided on a look, that was obviously, inspired by the timeless and legendary fashion Icon, Marilyn Monroe. We unconsciously modernized her memorable white dress look, something I only realized after. A plain black dress, tainted with a few Marilyn aspects. The back is plain and stunning. Too keep it from getting draggy, I paired it with a pair of BRIGHT red shoes from Zoom. Oh, and red lips of course! A mysterious dress. Playful, yet cautious. You're probably thinking, how on earth could a dress be cautious? Well, I'm no Einstein, but this is as good as I can describe it! <3

As always, I love it. It is not the usual "too-tight-to-walk-in" dress that I see at, basically, EVERY dance. It gives an eerie feeling, one that I of course adore! Enjoy the pictures, please do. and do not forget to follow me through Bloglovin :) 

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