Thursday, May 31, 2012

Fashion Trends Saltwater GIRL - The best

This morning was probably the best morning. EVER. 

So I am the proud owner of Saltwater GIRL's Blogger of the Month title, for April. I woke up, bored as usual. Got dressed. Ate. Started to study. As I opened my Afrikaans poetry book, my mother called me... Apparently I had a package arrival? 

Opening the front door, was a man with a brown box. I signed it off, and opened it. Now, I would like to thank Saltwater GIRL Magazine, for the Paris Hilton watch, the Roxy Bag, and the amazing Revlon products. What way to start the day?

You guys rock, Thank you for being the BEST MAGAZINE ever xx

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Fashion Trends Behind these fallen Leaves

Just to speed this up a bit, I�ve decided to collaborate two outfits. In other words, MORE PHOTOS! YAY.
Though for the next few days, exams have taken my soul, and tragically, yes, posting will be limited. I will try my best. The collection of Miss de Lange is nearly complete!
Firstly, we�ve got a look I�d like to describe as Wild One. When I saw this dress in Courage and Candy, I immediately formed an idealistic image in my head. And Voila! I got it right to perfection. She wore a skin tight green dress, with minimum black floral pattern amongst the shoulders. Black Army boots to match the detailed floral, and a dash of chaos, with brightly pink lips. Identifying this look with a song: �Girls, just wanna have fun�� This five letter clause takes an entire explanation of going ON and on about how it works, why it works, etc. in just a second. You can be the judge of it of course; this is only an opinion of mine!

Look number two: Misty in the dawns of Morning.
Eerie, light, spirited, FREE. Deep Blue jeans, a stunning striped cardigan, feather light pastel top, and wedged booties to die for. The morning light worked in absolute perfection. The contrasts between the natural background and the soft colours of the clothing worked stunningly. These elements are now combined with a model that walks tall, without a care in reality, posing with grace and purity. I introduce to you, Misty in the dawns of Morning.

NEWS FLASH. My favourite model, Ashley de Lange, recently participated in a Acting Competition ( Stad Kaapstad Toneel kompetisie) and became the proud owner of the second place. Intense and stressful, she managed through school and other teenage activities, with her piece, �Ophelia drowns in a tumbler with Ice�. I can guarantee it must�ve been a performance to see. The stage is her platform, the lights are her allies and the audience: her pets. She works wonders, when her feet reach the steps. I give a HUGE shout out of congratulations, who accomplished a success as notorious as this. Well done, Ashley <3

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Fashion Trends Lost in a Hopeless Place

Hopefully you, the reader, forgive me, for I have sinned. I have waited far too long since my previous post! I apologize. 
Anyhow. For this photography session, we decided on a look, that was obviously, inspired by the timeless and legendary fashion Icon, Marilyn Monroe. We unconsciously modernized her memorable white dress look, something I only realized after. A plain black dress, tainted with a few Marilyn aspects. The back is plain and stunning. Too keep it from getting draggy, I paired it with a pair of BRIGHT red shoes from Zoom. Oh, and red lips of course! A mysterious dress. Playful, yet cautious. You're probably thinking, how on earth could a dress be cautious? Well, I'm no Einstein, but this is as good as I can describe it! <3

As always, I love it. It is not the usual "too-tight-to-walk-in" dress that I see at, basically, EVERY dance. It gives an eerie feeling, one that I of course adore! Enjoy the pictures, please do. and do not forget to follow me through Bloglovin :) 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Fashion Trends Lady in Waiting

No matter what a woman looks like, if she's confident, she's sexy.

So I'm reaching my third post from this series. This part of the shoot, was one of my favorites in particular. Maybe it's the cute little dress, or even the pin-up girl poses, but it's adorable! From the entire collection of pictures in this shoot, this look is the climax of femininity. Seriously. From the material, light grayish hat, to the petite, impeccably tasteful dress. 

This was shot far at the end of our location, in de Zalze. The sun was shining, the rain has passed, and the breeze was light, making it a perfect Autumn day. I enjoyed this shooting in particular, apart from the fact that time was running out.

The dress department of Courage and Candy, located in Stellenbosch near that new frozen yogurt place, consists of a range of tasteful and pretty dresses, to wild and energetic dresses. I don't what it is about that shop that I like so much, either way, GO LIKE their Facebook PAGE! 

Oh, and do NOT forget to like mine as well <3

Enjoy the pictures :) 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Fashion Trends Ready. Set. Rugged.

Literally fighting through spider webs and other scary critters, we 'bundu' -bashed through the trees to take these pictures. With Ashley ending up with a few scars, we managed, almost barely, to create these idealistic few pictures. 

This outfit is entirely opposite to the sweet and innocent spirit of the previous one. Visually, obvious. The high waisted ripped jeans complements the semi-sheer spaghetti top. Cute and edgy. The 'Cowboy' tasseled little jacket brings it all together, almost like a painting brings together a room. haa <3 Just add some striking red lips, and hey, you've got a rugged, tomboy look, with a dash of femininity. Oh, and do NOT forget those ankle boots girlie. 

During this part of the shoot, the temperature dropped and the wind's speed increased terribly, making it horrid for me as well as my model. BUT, we stuck it through. This outfit is available at Courage Candyyy, enjoy!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Fashion Trends Pink an' Pretty

The past two days were not the usual, long-weekend, lazy days for me, nor Miss Ashley de Lange.

Through these windy, cloudy past two days, we literally fought through the rain to catch the perfect few pictures. With the amazing stockist from Courage Candy, in Stellenbosch, we organized a semi-autumn shoot, this including my soon-to-be camera skills, and Ashley's naturally talented poses.

I introduce to you, the first of many posts, "Pink an' Pretty". Autumn 2012. Courage Candy. Ashley de Lange. This plain look. Invoking your inner child, in a fun and simple way. Yes, this may be a simple loose fitted top, and cute floral short.
Ever heard of the phrase "Back to Basics"?

Enjoy <3