Monday, January 23, 2012

Fashion Trends Lily's Closet

 Newest and loveliest obsession : Lily's Closet. 

Vintage, girlie, out of the ordinary.
Bright, light, pastel delight.

Lily's Closet is the definition of dainty, fashionable clothing. With photo's to prove, I'm sure any teenage, hormone-enraged, girl would agree ( In fact, I'm sure anyone would agree!). The store is filled with lace, crop tops, dresses, tees, rings, bows, leather shoes, and more, made from the finest. Very cute and very girlie, definitely one of my favorites :)

Lily's Closet is a little clothing store, and luckily for Stellenbosch-living people, located in Eikestad Mall. If you haven't made your way there, you'd better do it NOW.

Made with Love crop Top. Yesterday brown shorts

These two pieces combine SO perfectly, I had to use it. The greyish crop top is adorable, with the white lace as the topping of the shirt. Truly the "cherry" on the top :) The shorts are re-used, as in made from a previous clothing article, making it "keen for green". ( Yay!) But seriously, the shorts are one to give a go.

I adore this outfit, and it's earthly colors fit even better. Available at Lily's Closet <3

One of the examples of lily's Closet clothing, and I'll keep them coming <3

Model Couretsy : Marike du Toit

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