Monday, January 30, 2012

Fashion Trends Versace Spring 2012

The Spring 2012 Couture Collection from Versace has arrived. I saw the fashion show recently on Fashion TV. The whole range of the new collection best fits a description of : goddess like, dynamic and strong. golds, greens, shorts, minis. Truly something to see.
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My favorite piece, is the one in the picture above. Powerful and sexy. Fitted with strong black eyes, and sleek hair. DEFINITE like. ?
I encourage you to enrich your time and to visit the website below, to see the entire collection!

And after you've done that, come and tell me what you thought of it :)
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Fashion Trends Range # 4

 Another outfit I chose from Lily's Closet. But, with a more simpler take on shorts and shirt, I chose this specific outfit for the following.

High waisted shorts seriously reserved its place in the present fashion statements, as appose to street style. Another favorite, well, to differ from the usual shirts or crop tops paired with high waisted shorts, is the color of the top half. Pastel is definitely a trend, but take pastel, shaded towards a darker tone. I introduce to you faded pastel ( may that be the right way to describe it! ). On first sight, yes, it looks like any other light/pastel/normal pink. But i really gives the skin a softer feel, plus it compliments the darker and more rugged qualities of the jean material. 

Overall, as I went through all the photos I took from our shoot, all of these photos gave off a certain childlike and earthy feeling, with the plants to emphasize it.

Beautiful and fun, available at Lily's Closet :) x

Model Courtesy: Adele de Jongh
Follow me on Facebook !! :!/pages/Forever-Fashion/251070138275698

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Fashion Trends Range #3

Jumpsuits, or playsuits, can be short or long around the legs. It can be covered in print like leopard or stripes. For Summer or Winter. Fall or Spring. Yet, of all the ones I've seen, a feeling of excitement is received. Playsuits usually describe as something daring, edgy and adventurous.
Opposite seems to occur in the pictures below.
 ..Why does it work?

The only origin I could think of, is the one's my mother, as well as me, used to wear a few years ago. But those were the types you used wear while working in the garden. Materialized in Jeans.. As I said before, fashion is like a never-ending cycle. New and reinvigorated, it has find its way back to our modern era :)

But back to the garment.
Take light pastel blue, and floral detail. It immediately transforms a playsuit into an adorable and doll-like, dainty look. Introducing the Moth playsuit from none other than Lily's Closet (there's still a few posts to come). I really like this playsuit on the model. It gives her a childlike sense and innocence. The bow and hairstyles completes this look giving it a fun feeling to it. Either waaaay.

I find it cute, sweet and perfect for a first date :) 

Model Courtesy: Brigitte van der Merwe

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Fashion Trends Range # 2

Lily's Closet # 2

From a new range of clothing, I had the opportunity to shoot with three lovely ladies, and the results are in! My second range, co-ordinated post, is about simple + simple + a splash of colour = a thumbs up.
From the courtesy of Lily's Closet, Pretty and Simple can be two surely correcting adjectives for this (see below) outfit.

A pretty shirt/dress paired with a simple high waisted short, matched with a splash of a sophisticated coral blazer.
It most definitely works. It's, fun and quirky, with sophistication written all over it. 
Finished off with a floral printed, super sized bow,  some leather shoes and a braid, this look is one that shouldn't be missed. It's a diverse look that can be pulled of by nearly anyone.

And in all certainty, I'm sure you (Yes, I am talking with you, the reader) couldn't agree more. Or. If you couldn't agree at all, be sure to comment below on your way out.
I've said this in my previous post and I'll say it again : Get your bum down to Lily's Closet. This look, is only one of many beautiful looks and clothing available at Lily's Closet. As you can realize, I've grown quite fond of the store.. 
You won't regret visiting it! 

Model Courtesy: Carmen Crous

Monday, January 23, 2012

Fashion Trends Lily's Closet

 Newest and loveliest obsession : Lily's Closet. 

Vintage, girlie, out of the ordinary.
Bright, light, pastel delight.

Lily's Closet is the definition of dainty, fashionable clothing. With photo's to prove, I'm sure any teenage, hormone-enraged, girl would agree ( In fact, I'm sure anyone would agree!). The store is filled with lace, crop tops, dresses, tees, rings, bows, leather shoes, and more, made from the finest. Very cute and very girlie, definitely one of my favorites :)

Lily's Closet is a little clothing store, and luckily for Stellenbosch-living people, located in Eikestad Mall. If you haven't made your way there, you'd better do it NOW.

Made with Love crop Top. Yesterday brown shorts

These two pieces combine SO perfectly, I had to use it. The greyish crop top is adorable, with the white lace as the topping of the shirt. Truly the "cherry" on the top :) The shorts are re-used, as in made from a previous clothing article, making it "keen for green". ( Yay!) But seriously, the shorts are one to give a go.

I adore this outfit, and it's earthly colors fit even better. Available at Lily's Closet <3

One of the examples of lily's Closet clothing, and I'll keep them coming <3

Model Couretsy : Marike du Toit

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Fashion Trends Waterfall Braid

The Cascade/Waterfall Braid.

Thanks to INTERNET surfing, I've come a across a really dainty an pretty hairstyle. It's known as "The Cascade" or "Waterfall" braid. Not familiar with it..?
Well, this is one of my favorite hairstyles too date.
The pictures (below) shows it correctly. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Why not start with ethereal, mysterious and girlie. With only three...
words, it sets of green lights in the mind of a girl. Honestly, this hairstyle is a MAJOR beauty trend.. Absolutely nooooo exaggeration.
L ? ve it.

I must say, I'd definitely give it a go! (If only I knew how to do it?) - haha, kidding. I've found a website which gives you a step-for-step description of how to do it! Go to :
You will NOT regret it. I promise :)
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Fashion Trends Trend Alert

High Waisted skirts just got a new definition : pleated, flowy and long.

Pleated skirts are next in line for a chance at the top of the trend shelves... <3

..In other words - pleated skirts are one to look out for.
What I love love LOVE about pleated skirts, is that it gives a person a new school style edged out with vintage aspects. When I see pleated skirt, I think : Like a full length dress, with a bit more edge and rugged feeling to it.  Though I couldn't see eight years old running around pleated skirts, I'd still give it a go.

It DEFINITELY compliments the body, leaving it looking slender(rer?) - yay, a plus! Even though it's intended for Winter or Autumn, a half lengthened pleated skirt could still rock these sunny and hot days.
So if you're a old school new school kind of person, and you want to try something new, go for this!

Good luck with the rest of these excruciatingly, blazing, Summer days
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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Fashion Trends What can be done in 20 Minutes?

So recently I asked two of my lovelies, Adele de Jongh and Marike du Toit, if I could have a semi-photo shoot of 20 minutes with them .. I was in serious need of a Self Created profile picture

And this is what we could come up with in such a short time <3

Facebook Page :
Happy Summer xx

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Fashion Trends For the love of lace

FULL ON Lace Shorts.
Some of you might be familiar with this particular piece. Some of you wont. BUT these type of shorts definitely sets a whole new genre of what 'Edgy-meets-Girly' represents.

It's been a huge trend on the runway, including designers such as Valentino, and Dolce & Gabana. It's different as appose to the usual lace corsets or lace mini dresses. Shorts are mostly, opinionated towards my point of view, seen as tomboyish, even though I'd a pick shorts over a skirt. 

Bringing LACE into the design of shorts changes the main aspects of its usual feeling. It obviously presents a more feminine feeling to shorts, that is a fact that anyone can point out. But this only makes this creation the more unique.
Locally, it's not been that much popular, towards the rise of lace shorts. I've only seen it in a few stores before, this includes YDE. I'd pair it with a loose fitting top or even a fitted top, some heels or flats, an even fitting purse, and I'd be happy to walk the streets of SA <3 

But I wouldn't say the craze about these shorts identify with the craze and popularity that it gains in other countries.
Abroad, it's bound to be a street style to remember.

What do you say?
Yay, or Nay?




Thursday, January 5, 2012

Fashion Trends Summer Lovin'


Just the sound of that 'S' sends ripples of excitement down my spine.
Yes. The Summer season has finally decided to visit us again, and with a new season, comes a new fashion trend.

What will the main trend be this Summer?
  • Floral, minimalism or vintage?
  • Denims, chic or classy?
  • Is it time to blend, or to shine out?
  • Shorts or skirts? Tanks or Tees??
Honestly all I can say is this : be a TRENDsetter. No one has a firm decision of what's hot and what's not. Fashion trends follows to what is seen or heard on those who are different and seemingly fashionable. I'm not saying you have to TRY to stand out this Summer. 



People who TRY to be cool, hardly ever becomes "cool".
In other, more sense-making, words, wear what YOU like without other critique. And make it your own. <3

My father always tells me, that people love originals, not the posers or fakes. (The best example I can think of is Lady Gaga!) 

Be your own Fashion Icon and do what you want. Cause hey, it's Summer, and it's time to do new things.
Happy Holidays. xx
